All-in-one Business Operating System is what you need for Customer Relationship Management, Document Management, Project Management, Workflow Management, Service Call Management, Quality Assurance Management and Business Process Automation. Stop paying multiple subscriptions and dealing with clunky integrations. Try FlowRocket’s cloud based modular solution for FREE until you decide to buy.

Life Insurance Settlement Solution

Can we receive both emails and fax in the work-queue of FlowRocket (WIP)?
Yes, you receive all Rated Age Request in a centralized work queue in FlowRocket. All emails, e-fax come in a centralized work queue for the Admin Staff or Underwriter.
Is the system HIPPA and Security Compliant?
Yes. FlowRocket complies with all US government regulations for document and record security, and retention. In fact, our compliance with electronic document management makes us a very popular solution for our clients.
Can we integrate our Actuarial Calculation sheet for Rated Age with WIP?
Yes. Either you can provide your actuarial calculation formula and we integrate the formula with in the system or we can also integrate the protected excel based calculator with in FlowRocket. In either ways, you don’t have to use a separate application for Rated Age Calculator and still get the same results.
Can two Underwriters work on the same request at the same time?
Yes. The FlowRocket is a collaborative database driven system that allows all users to work on the system without bumping into each other way.
Can the case be escalated for secondary review with in the system?
Yes. FlowRocket allows to configure rule based escalation process for secondary review. You can define your rule when the case to be escalated for secondary review based on calculation. Underwriters can also escalate any case for secondary review on their discretion just by clicking a button for the same.
Can the Rated Age requests be automatically assigned to Underwriters based on Round Robin Logic?
Yes, Round Robin logic can be configured to give you the flexibility and automation to assign the case to underwriters and make the balanced work load among the team.
Can Medical Documents be accessed by New Business team?
Yes, New Business team can be given a limited access to the system so that they can log in and access the case information including the medical documents. This would make the process even more smoother and save time between underwriters and new business team to communicate about the case information.
Can we track Premium and Policy value for each request coming in?
Yes. Along with medical underwriting, FlowRocket also captures all other business information and you can track anticipated premium and Policy Value for each request in a widget enabled KPI and Report dashboards.